RVN prides itself on being a company that enables the future to happen; allows people to reach their true potential in a given field. The RVN family is now better prepared to do that than ever before.
Revolution Works is the literary publisher and promoter of RVN. If you write anything - be it novels, poetry or even drama - Revolution Works will publish it if you want. Not only that, but they will also promote your works to potential publishers to help you get further in the literary world.
The layout for manuscripts can be found here, and the manuscripts should be sent to revolutionworks@hotmail.co.uk.
Snap!Shot is the photography publisher and promoter of RVN. Any photographer of any level is able to get published through this company in order to help them. Snap!Shot will also promote your works to potential publishers.
Start by submitting 5 photographs to snapshotphotos@hotmail.co.uk. These photos will go onto the facebook page in your own personal photo album. Every week, we will do a 'photo of the week' feature that will help to further promote a skilled photographer.
In order to begin work on your own personal photobook, all you must do is submit a collection of photographs (preferably between 30 and 50) to snapshotphotos@hotmail.co.uk for publication.
Spark is the artwork publisher and promoter of RVN. Any artist of any level is able to publish their artwork through the company in order to help further them. The company will also promote them to potential publishers.
Start by submitting a few pieces of artwork to sparkartwork@hotmail.co.uk. These should ideally be drawings, paintings or photographs of sculptures. Note that the work must be emailed. These will go onto the facebook page in your own personal photo album. We will do a 'artwork of the week' feature that will help to further promote a skilled artist.
To begin work on an artbook, submit a collection of artwork (preferably between 30 and 50) to sparkartwork@hotmail.co.uk for publication.
Note that all RVN companies, and RVN itself, are now owned by RoCo.